
Summer 2014 Fashion Inspirations

Hi everyone!

In this post I will share with you some fashion ideas for this summer coming :)
I love slogan and printed tees for this season

I love them because I think they are perfect for summer: confortable and easy for seaside day but also glamour and chic for party nights, paired with a skirt or shorts and a pair of beautiful heels.

Summer is holidays time and moments with friends.
Share your happiness with a floral outfit or a sexy black night look

Flowers clothes and accessorizes are perfect to express a mood of freedom and airiness. Feathers jewelry and golden necklaces are a fantastic spring/summer girly style!

A little black dress or a black striped and lace shirt is a classic look that never goes out of fashion, even in summer :)

Discover these clothes and accessorizes and more on

Kisses :)

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